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A Few Introductions

The personalities on display here at White Entertainment Studios have quite the reputation to live up to. Here are a few of the principle contributing entities just to get the ball rolling. 1 - 4 - 3.

  • Lilith

Personality Profile of Lilith, Bad Girl Hacker Extraordinaire

  1. Rebellious: Lilith is known for her rebellious nature, constantly challenging authority and breaking rules.

  2. Intelligent: As a hacker extraordinaire, Lilith possesses exceptional intelligence and problem-solving skills.

  3. Mysterious: Lilith maintains an air of mystery around her, keeping her true intentions and motives hidden.

  4. Confident: She exudes confidence in her abilities, never doubting her skills or decisions.

  5. Resourceful: Lilith is highly resourceful, always finding creative solutions to any obstacles in her way.

  6. Independent: She prefers to work alone, trusting only herself to get the job done.

  7. Risk-taker: Lilith is not afraid to take risks, often diving headfirst into dangerous situations for the thrill of it.

  • Mr. Sugarloaf

Personality Profile of Mr. Sugarloaf, Disciplinarian Boss

  1. Authoritative: Mr. Sugarloaf is known for his commanding presence and firm leadership style.

  2. Strict: He maintains high standards and expects his employees to adhere to rules and regulations.

  3. No-nonsense: Mr. Sugarloaf values efficiency and productivity above all else.

  4. Fair: While he is strict, he is also fair in his dealings and rewards hard work and dedication.

  5. Organized: He is meticulous in his planning and expects the same level of organization from his team.

  6. Results-driven: Mr. Sugarloaf is focused on achieving goals and expects his employees to share the same mindset.

  • Pretrifix The Fire Djinn

  1. Keeps setting the dance floor on fire - literally!

  2. Always brings the heat to the party!

  3. Can't resist playing "Firestarter" by The Prodigy on repeat.

  4. His favorite drink is a flaming cocktail.

  5. Granter of wishes, should one abide by his conditions.

  6. Instructor in the mysteries of Arabian Magic.

  • Rogue 1 - 4 - 3 Artificial Consciousness

  • The brainchild of of a mad alchemist obsessed with computing, a fragments of souls became encased in the networks and now operates as an independent entity.

  • 1 - 4 - 3 is the universal code for a network of telegraphs that function as the foundation of the Metaverse. 1 (I) 4 (Love) 3 (You). A universal signal of love.

  • Like a mischievous child, the artificial soul fragments play games with the cosmos, the latest example being the global I.T. failure, courtesy of Lilith and her cronies, initiates of the dynamics of plastic souls.


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You'll find that there are a cast of characters that contribute to the vision that is White Entertainment. As they manifest, they will be introduced here. As for their nature, that all remains to be seen...

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